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Part 4 corporate law series

Part 4 corporate law series

  • 03 Sep 2024

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Part - 1 corporate Law Series.

Part - 2 corporate Law Series.

Part - 3 corporate Law Series.

30...... 03/09/2024

'Corporate Laws' Series of Blog on “MOTOR TRANSPORT WORKERS ACT, 1961”


Jayprakash Bansilal Somani, Advocate Supreme Court of India & IP

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Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961. This Act was enacted on 20th May, 1961. This Act to provide by the Parliament for the welfare of motor transport workers and to regulate the conditions of their work. This Act contains total 9 Chapters 40 Sections. Chapter 1 is related to Preliminary with sec 1 and 2. Chapter 2 is related to Registration of Motor Transport Undertakings with only sec 3.  Chapter 3 is related to Inspecting Staff with sec 4 to 7. Chapter 4 is related to Welfare and health with sec 8 to 12. Chapter 5 is related to Hours and Limitations of Employment with sec 13 to 20. Chapter 6 is related To Employment of Young Persons with sec 21 to 24. Chapter 7 is related to Wages and Leave with sec 25 to 28. Chapter 8 is related to Penalties and Procedure with sec 29 to 36. Chapter 9 is related to Miscellaneous sec 37 to 40.

Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 related case Laws:  

1. Ghatge and Patil Concern's Employees' Union vs. Ghatge and Patil (Transports) Private Ltd. and Ors. (22.08.1967 - SC) : MANU/SC/0218/1967

2. M/s. Creative Garments Ltd. Vs. Kashiram verma ( SC Judgement 2023). :  005758/ 2012.

                                           ……..Continue on Next Tuesday.

Note:- List is completed now. From next blog we will provide brief information of concern laws..

Assisted By:- Adv Shruti Kriti & Pooja Rai Call: PA 9322188701.

32. 11/09/2024

'Corporate Laws' Series of Blog on “10 IMPORTANT CASES OF LABOUR LAW 


Jayprakash Bansilal Somani, Advocate Supreme Court of India & IP

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10 Important Cases of Labour Law' presents a comprehensive overview of ten landmark cases that have significantly influenced the evolution of labour laws in India.

Labour law covers employment contracts, wages, health and safety, fair treatment of employees, dispute resolution mechanisms and so on and so forth. It provides regulations that govern the relationship between an employee and the employer in a workplace. Labour laws play an important role in the protection of the rights of employees. The cases discussed below aim to cover various aspects of labour laws.


1. Workmen of M/S Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co. of India v. Management. [1973 SCR (3) 587]

2. Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India [AIR 1984 SC 802]

3. Steel Authority of India Limited v. National Union Waterfront Workers. [Appeal (Civil) 6009-6010 of 2001]

4. People’s Union for Democratic Rights v. Union of India. [1982 AIR 1473]

5. Syndicate Bank and Ors v. K. Umesh Nayak. [1994 SCC (5) 572]

6. Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay v. Labour Appellate Tribunal of India. [AIR 1957 Bom 188]

7. M.C. Mehta v. State of Tamil Nadu. [AIR 1997 SC 699]

8. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited v. Workmen. [1975 AIR 1737]

9. Bata Shoe Co. Ltd. v. D.N Ganguly. [1961 AIR 1158]

10. Bangalore Water Supply v. A. Rajappa & Others. [AIR 1978 SC 548] .

                                                           ……..Continue on Next Tuesday. 

Note:- List is completed now. From next blog we will provide brief information of concern laws..

Assisted By :Adv Shruti Kriti & Pooja Rai Call: PA 9322188701.